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Akvasaver – save with science The weather station measures and provides data to the computer that calculates the current evaporation based on the following variables: Temperature Humidity Precipitation Solar Radiation Wind Speed Wind Direction Till Akvasaver...


MAREC – with the boat lover in mind MAREC är en accelerometerinspelare för mätning av effekter på höghastighetsbåtar och deras personal. Tuffa förhållanden, öppet hav och tunga vågor exponerar höghastighetsbåtar till betydande konsekvenser. Dessa effekter kan i...


MAREC – with the boat lover in mind MAREC is an accelerometer recorder for measuring impacts on high-speed boats and their staff. Rough conditions, high seas and heavy waves expose high-speed boats to significant impacts. These impacts might in turn cause severe...

Ehrlund Microphones

Ehrlund Microphones – a cleaner sound The Ehrlund microphone is well known in music circles for having high sensitivity and extremely low self-noise. It is available as a studio microphone, a dual microphone, a pickup and a broadcast microphone that is specially...

Geldern Amplifiers

Geldern Amplifiers – sounds complete Geldern Amplifiers has developed a completely new type of amplifier. It sounds like an analogue amplifier and it also has an analogue signal chain, but the control is digital. It is easy to use, has a digital memory for...